The Risk Mgt View Of Scrum
Been reading 'Agile Software Development with Scrum' by Ken Schwaber, Mike Beedle, and saw these great risk factors Scrum specifically addresses (Section 6.3):
- Risk of not pleasing the customer: customer gets to see the product on a continuous basis
- Risk of not completing all functionality: functionality is developed in a prioritized way through Sprints, ie high priority functionality is delivered, and only low priority is missed
- Risk of poor estimating and planning: Daily scrums provides small estimates that are tracked within a Daily Scrum cycle and through the invariant set of Product Backlog assigned to the Sprint cycle.
- Risk of not resolving issues promptly: Burden of proof on management by requiring daily active management. In Scrum, role of management is bi-directional so that mgt reports to the staff on how it is resolving issues during Daily Scrum.
- Risk of not being able to complete the development cycle: Scrum ensures that there aren't any major problems with the development cycle by delivering working software every Sprint. This forces issues to be dealt with.
- Risk of taking on too much work and changing expectations: Scrum disallows any changes in the Product Backlog associated with a Sprint so that the team feels their goal is respected and the customer has clear expectations.
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