Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Flashback: Rolls-Royce Aerospace

I was really glad to see that Rolls-Royce Aerospace recently announced plans to build a new overhaul plant in Scotland. I used to work at this specialist plant while studying Aerospace Engineering at university. At that time, post cold-war, the defence industry was weakening and many RR jobs were being threatened (RR builds a lot of defence engines, like the one used in the Harrier "jump-jet"). This was when I decided to get into IT and the Financial Services industry, and specifically to join JPMC in London, so RR really was the first step to where I am today.

Personally, this is/was a cool plant to work in -- you got to see all the leading civil and defence engines, hands-on, and got to see how they test them (yes, the old throw frozen chicken at it story - no-one seemed to point out the fact that a frozen chicken, dead or alive, cannot fly at 37,000 ft, or sea level for that metter!). Btw -- this is the engine I was most inolved in - a joint venture with Pratt & Whitney, and we had to redesign the fuel system to make it more environmentally friendly.

From a business perspective, this is an interesting move on RR's part. In the early 90s everything was being moved south and consolidated as RR tried to save money, improve efficiencies, etc. That fact that this plant is going to be replaced/upgraded to a new plant, is fantastic news and a true testament to what they do there. At the time, it was all doom and gloom and the risks associated with being able to have a career there influenced my decisions then, and where I am now, personally and professionally. Brilliant news for RR and the local economy - I wish them all the best.


At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice engine. The project must have been interest and challenging

At 11:12 AM, Blogger Ross And Laura said...

It was pretty cool stuff, particularly getting to see how the shop floor influences design decisions during mock-up...


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